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The use of CNC laser cutting equipment grows in Mexico: Bodor will introduce new products at FABTECH

CNC laser cutting equipment is transforming the metalworking industry in Mexico, boosting productivity and maintaining competitiveness in a global marketplace.

In 2022, the metalworking industry experienced a growth of 13% compared to 2021, an increase that could be very similar to the end of 2023, although there is still no data to confirm this. This growth is attributed to several factors, including nearshoring, implementing new technologies, and manufacturing electric vehicles.

Mexico has positioned itself as the eighth-largest consumer of machine tools worldwide, and this demand is expected to increase with the advent of nearshoring. This growth is also reflected in a steady increase in exports of manufactured goods after the pandemic, highlighting sectors such as machinery and special equipment for various industries.

The metalworking industry has revolutionized manufacturing through the use of CNC technology, which offers increased machining complexity, smaller batch sizes, and improved part precision. CNC processing machines are intelligent and capable of detecting changes or problems in the production process, contributing significantly to the efficiency and productivity of the industry. In addition, these technologies have allowed greater flexibility in production, adapting to the demands of on-demand manufacturing and ensuring quality from the first production.

The future is the laser

CNC laser cutting technology has proven to be a transformative force. Its unparalleled accuracy and improved efficiency enable manufacturers to make complex, detailed cuts that were previously impossible or extremely costly. This translates into a significant improvement in product quality and a reduction in production times and operating costs. Eduardo Esparza, manager of laser equipment at Euromáquinas Tools, highlights this evolution by assuring that “laser cutting technology is the future of metalworking manufacturing, so it is important that it is exhibited at industry events such as FABTECH.”

The adoption of these technologies not only improves production capacity but also facilitates design innovation. CNC laser cutting equipment offers greater flexibility, allowing designers and manufacturers to experiment with more complex and customized shapes and structures. This ability to adapt is crucial to staying competitive in a global market that demands constant innovation and customization.

The future of metalworking

Esparza illustrates that using CNC laser cutting equipment is a step towards automation and Industry 4.0. This transition optimizes production processes and opens avenues for better data collection and analysis, leading to more informed and strategic decision-making in manufacturing. “This year, we are excited to introduce our new high-power laser machines, representing a breakthrough for the industry.”

FABTECH Mexico, in its 2024 edition, is emerging as a crucial platform for demonstrating these innovations. It is an event where manufacturers and distributors can showcase their latest developments, connecting companies with cutting-edge technologies. “For us, FABTECH is a unique opportunity to publicize our innovations in metalworking, connecting with distributors and potential customers,” said the Euromáquinas expert, who will introduce laser cutting machines in Monterrey for drawings, tubes, and products from its portfolio of lathes, milling machines, and grinding machines.